Bad blog! Bad blog!
Or bad blogger might be more like it....
Has it really been a month since I posted last?? Yikes I was thinkin' more like a week or two! Wow time flies...
I figured I'd have more time to blog in the summer but I've just been doing a million and a half things! Plus I'm gettin' deep into debt between car repairs and road trips, and need to get a job to pay all this off!
But alas, that's not vintage related, so why don't I fill you in on some of what you've missed!
Let's start with what kicked July off, an annual meet I go to every year and never miss!
The Gould Microcar Meet!
(link here!)
For the past 5 years, a staple of my summer has been driving up to my friend Wendy in New York, and then caravanning over to the Gould Microcar Meet in Newton, MA. I'm not the biggest car show guy, cause let's be honest, it gets a little tiring just sitting and staring at a bunch of cars on a big field in the sun. The cars can be gorgeous, but I either end up leaving early, or roasting in the sun!

The Gould Meet however, is none of those things! It's a ton of fun, and if you haven't been before, I strongly recommend that you do! While the cars are outrageous and gorgeous and hilarious, it's really the people that makes the meet one-of-a-kind. For most of the weekend, we invade Charle Gould's neighborhood and just sit back and talk cars, meet awesome people, give and take rides, and just have a lot of fun in general.
There's lots of driving and caravaning microcars around Newton, and even on a beautiful 100 mile trip around the country! We always lose a few micros, but a great back-up crew helps everyone get back to the house in one piece.
I got my first flat tire on the trip, but with help from some friends and micro people, we were back up and running in no time! Special thanks to Justin & Giles and Ralph for their help and Ralph's spare Isetta tire!
Every year we come back it feels like a family reunion, and it's just a great kick-off to July. And if you've never heard of a microcar, then it's an awesome introduction to their quirky little world!
How wonderful that all these amazing (and amazingly cute) vehicles all gather in one place! It makes me want a microcar.